Facts Matter. You Matter. – Message #9

FICTION: The union claims that Sharp does not invest in its employees. 

FACT: Investing in our people is a top priority at Sharp, so much so that it’s one of our Pillars of Excellence. Our People pillar demonstrates our commitment to a “values-driven culture that attracts, retains and promotes the best and brightest people, who are committed to Sharp’s mission and vision.” Recent examples of that commitment include:

  • Early implementation of the SB 525 health care minimum wage as of May 26 (raising Sharp’s minimum wage to $23 per hour) despite the state legislature delaying implementation of this law until fall 2024.
  • Sharp has made – and continues to make – adjustments across our workforce to ensure equitable, competitive compensation. Over the last two fiscal years, Sharp has made significant investments in staff wages, including a 5% across-the-board (ATB) increase for all staff in October 2022; and a 3.5% ATB increase for all non-represented staff last fall. These and other wage increases represent an investment of more than $150 million in staff compensation since FY2022.
  • Sharp’s generous benefits add 25% or more to an individual’s total compensation, with free employee health insurance coverage, free employee dental insurance and Sharp contributions to retirement plans and other benefits.
  • Sharp is proud to help team members advance their careers through a generous education program designed to minimize educational costs to employees, including free tuition opportunities and tuition assistance programs, up to $5,000 annually per employee. Sharp’s pre-funding for high priority workforce programs available through the Guild education platform means that team members can avoid upfront out-of-pocket educational costs. Nearly 8,000 employees have signed up for a Guild education account since the program was launched in January 2023.

These and other investments we make in the people of Sharp, and our commitment to The Sharp Experience, are among the reasons why our employee retention rate sits at nearly 90%, which is among the highest in the state for hospital systems, according to the California Hospital Association, and a key metric of employee satisfaction.

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Facts Matter. You Matter. – Message #8

FICTION: Sharp HealthCare provides the union with the home addresses of employees to allow union representatives to make unannounced visits to employee homes to talk about union membership and voting intentions.

FACT: Once a petition is filed and the NLRB has approved an election to be held, Sharp is legally required to provide the names, addresses and phone numbers to the union of all employees eligible to vote. It’s important to know that Sharp firmly believes employees have the right to privacy – where you work and where you live – and you do not have to speak with uninvited visitors to your home.

We have been receiving questions from concerned employees about union representatives who made surprise visits to their homes to ask about their thoughts on union membership and whether or not they plan to vote for the union. These surprise visitors may even claim that you can’t vote in the upcoming election if you don’t speak with them, which simply is not true. Employees are under no obligation to speak to any representative, let alone answer questions, if they so choose, and each eligible voter will be given the opportunity to vote in person. It is your right. It is also your right to be free from intimidation. If you feel you’re being harassed by anyone, whether it’s a representative from the union or Sharp, you can call the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) San Diego Region Office at  (619) 557-6184 to make a report.

Facts matter. You matter.

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Facts Matter. You Matter. – Message #7

FICTION: The union claims that working conditions and patient care will improve if they represent employees.

FACT: Sharp continually receives national recognition as a best place to work and receive care, which we attribute to our commitment to The Sharp Experience. We have a culture that fosters direct communication and continuous engagement between staff and management to identify and make any needed improvements when it comes to patient care or day-to-day operations. Third-party representation from a union prohibits the connection and collaboration we believe is optimal in engaging our Sharp team members and providing an extraordinary level of care.

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Facts Matter. You Matter. – Message #6

FICTION: In online ads, SEIU-UHW claims that “with hundreds of millions in donations, Sharp can afford to end the staffing crisis by investing in caregivers.”

FACT: There is no “staffing crisis” at Sharp. This oft-repeated assertion by SEIU is simply not an accurate assessment of the facts. Like every hospital, we have recruitment opportunities and Sharp has an active recruitment campaign to fill open positions. In fact, we are proud to have an industry-enviable low-turnover rate.

Sharp does rely upon the incredible generosity of members of our community and private benefactors to achieve many of our objectives. Private and employee donations are vital to Sharp to help fund programs, services and construction of facilities because these and other expenses are growing at a faster rate than the revenues we receive from providing patient care. Recent projects, such as the seven-story Ocean View Tower at Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center, and current projects (totaling nearly $2 billion), including the expansion of emergency and intensive care services at Sharp Coronado Hospital, the Sharp Grossmont Hospital Neuroscience Center, the Metro Modernization project on the Sharp Memorial campus and the Moore Mountainview Hospice Home that just broke ground in Poway, to name a few, all rely on generous donations from members of our community.

In contrast, SEIU reported in 2022 that it received nearly $240 million in dues revenues from worker-members and spent $167 million on administration, overhead, employee salaries and benefits and organizing new members.

Facts matter. You matter.

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Facts Matter. You Matter. – Message #5

FICTION: The union says Sharp is “putting profits over patients.”

FACT: In fact, Sharp HealthCare is a not-for-profit organization and we always put our patients first. We reinvest our revenue into improving patient care and the health of the community. Revenue we receive is also invested in our workforce and services through equitable wages, facilities, technology and more to ensure we can deliver The Sharp Experience to all those we care for.

In addition, in fiscal year 2023 Sharp donated and provided more than $570 million in unreimbursed programs and services to address community needs at large. That’s not putting profits over patients … that’s Sharp putting patients first.

Facts matter. You matter.

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Facts Matter. You Matter. – Message #4

FICTION: SEIU-UHW claims they can secure “life-changing wages” for their members.

FACT: The union typically takes 2% from each member’s paycheck for dues – money that directly funds six-figure union staff salaries, political campaigns and lobbyists. That means if you make $30/hour, you would be giving the union $3,744 over the course of a three-year contract, which translates into millions of dollars to the union when factoring in all eligible employees.

In contrast, with the Sharp$aver Retirement Plan – where Sharp provides up to a 4.5% match to your contributions – your investment in yourself and your retirement could yield a six-figure sum over 30 years. Now that’s life changing.

Facts matter. You matter.

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Facts Matter. You Matter. – Message #3

FICTION: SEIU-UHW claims that Sharp wants to “divide” the union and (the union) “won’t let Sharp break the law” as they continue to demand that Sharp recognize each separate bargaining unit organized by the union as one combined unit.

FACT: Sharp HealthCare is indeed abiding by the law. The union continues to insist on combining the bargaining units that SEIU itself chose to organize at Sharp Grossmont, Sharp HospiceCare and Sharp Chula Vista, separately and at different points in time. The law is clear that when separate filings are made for bargaining units, each bargaining unit is distinct and will have its own contract. The law is also clear that combining units is not a mandatory subject of bargaining, and we have informed the union since early last year Sharp will not bargain with the union for a combined agreement.

We respect our employees’ rights to organize, but if the union’s desire was to have one unit representing workers across Sharp entities, similar to when UNAC organized to represent our hospital-based nurses, they had the opportunity to do so when they first initiated organizing activities. Instead, they deployed an entity-by-entity strategy and now insist that Sharp meet their unreasonable demands. We believe that the union should honor the commitment it made to each bargaining unit that it chose to represent and bargain in good faith for contracts for each unit, rather than falsely claim Sharp is trying to “divide” the units.

To find a path forward on this issue, Sharp proposed that a mediator, which was assigned to the parties by the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS), be invited to negotiations. Instead of considering whether the mediator might assist the parties to find resolution, the union filed an unfair labor practice (ULP) complaint against Sharp.

Facts matter. You matter.

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Facts Matter. You Matter. – Message #2

FICTION: An SEIU-UHW online ad claims that Sharp staff members face “low pay and a severe short-staffing crisis that makes it nearly impossible to provide patients with the level of care they deserve.”

FACT: As noted in Message #1, Sharp is not facing a “severe short-staffing crisis” and, in fact, has a robust and successful recruitment campaign to navigate the nationwide shortage of health care workers. What’s more, Sharp regularly assesses health care wages in our market for staff and management alike to ensure rates are competitive and workers are fairly compensated, no matter what role they play in the safe and successful operation of our organization.

Adjustments have been ongoing across various worker groups to ensure equitable pay, and that effort continues across our workforce of 19,000+ team members. As a reminder, over the past two fiscal years, Sharp has made significant investments in staff wages, including a 5% across-the-board (ATB) increase for all staff in October 2022; and a 3.5% ATB increase for all non-represented staff last fall. These and other wage increases represent an investment of more than $150 million in staff compensation since FY2022.

Lastly, our patients do not “face threats to the proper level of care,” as the union claims. Sharp is required to maintain mandated staff-to-patient ratios, and we regularly receive national recognition for the outstanding care we are known for through The Sharp Experience that each of you provide.

Facts matter. You matter.

Get all the facts about collective bargaining and unionization at sharpstayinformed.