Unions are required each year to file a document called an “LM-2,” which reports the union’s most recent financial flow. It also provides information on how the union collects and spends its members’ dues and fees. Download SEIU-UHW’s Federal financial filing. The following chart shows how SEIU-UWH spent its money, according to its latest LM-2 report.


Total Assets


Total Receipts


Total Disbursements
(see chart below)

Source: 2024 SEIU-UHW LM-2 Report. *Other: Contributions, Gifts and Grants; Strike Benefits; Fees, Fines, Assessment, etc.; Supplies for Resale; Purchase of Investments & Fixed Assets; Loans Made; Repayment of Loans Obtained; To Affiliates of Funds Collected on Their Behalf; On behalf of Individual Members; Total Withheld But Not Disbursed.