Facts Matter. You Matter. – Message #14

FICTION: Sharp is trying to use scare tactics with their employees, stoking fear about paying union dues.

FACT: Sharp has stated the truth from the outset. We have observed that SEIU-UHW typically charges members 2% of their pay for dues, and the union has confirmed that this is true in their most recent communications. That means if you make $30/hour, you would be giving the union $3,744 over the course of a three-year contract, which translates into millions of dollars to the union when factoring in all eligible employees.

As a reminder, SEIU-UHW reported in 2022 that it received nearly $240 million in dues revenues from worker-members and spent $167 million on administration, overhead, employee salaries and benefits and organizing new members.

FICTION:  SEIU-UHW claims that Sharp management is saying that SEIU-UHW members at Sharp Grossmont Hospital are already paying union dues.

FACT:  Sharp management has never made that statement. The union claims/asserts that Sharp Grossmont and Sharp HospiceCare union members are not yet paying dues and will not collect dues until a labor contract is ratified. However, as soon as a labor contract is ratified, the union will start taking away 2% of whatever pay increases they negotiate in the contract in the form of dues. This isn’t Sharp making things up, this is the union’s own statements proving the accuracy of the information we have provided our team members.

FICTION:  Employees will have more flexibility with workplace issues such as scheduling, staffing and workloads if they join the union.

FACT:  Sharp and our team members enjoy flexibility in the workplace already without any third part intervention. Unions negotiate with employers over terms in a labor contract that define what is or is not permitted in the workplace; these provisions often prevent and/or delay team members and supervisors from working together to quickly solve issues because the union wants to be – or even insists on being – involved. Introducing a union that insists on intervening in the Sharp-team member relationship will not create flexibility; quite the opposite.

FICTION: Sharp does not invest in its employees.

FACT: Over the past two fiscal years, Sharp has made significant investments in staff wages, including a 5% across-the-board (ATB) increase for all staff in October 2022; and a 3.5% ATB increase for all non-represented staff last fall. These and other wage increases represent an investment of more than $150 million in staff compensation since FY2022. These and other wage increases represent an investment of more than $150 million in staff compensation since FY2022.

Remember, all eligible employees are allowed to vote — even without a union card — and all are encouraged to cast their vote next week during the indicated times below. Voting is only permitted to be in person for this election (no texting votes and no online voting permitted), so please show up – be heard – and vote!

  • Voting Dates and Times
    • Tuesday, July 16: 6 to 9 am, 11 am to 2 pm, 6 to 8 pm
    • Wednesday, July 17: 6 to 8 am, 11 am to 2 pm, 6 to 8 pm
    • Thursday, July 18: 6 to 8 am, 11 am to 2 pm
  •  Place
    • Knollwood Conference Rooms C and D

Facts matter. You matter.

Get all the facts about collective bargaining and unionization at sharpstayinformed.

Facts Matter. You Matter. – Message #13

FICTION: Eligible voters for the upcoming SEIU-UHW election can text their vote from their cell phone rather than vote in person.


Voting is in-person only! Some employees have reported they’ve been told by union representatives that they can vote in the upcoming July 16-18 election simply by casting their vote via a text. That is not true. In order to vote on whether or not to form a union at the Sharp Metropolitan Medical Campus, you must vote in person. That is the only way to make sure your voice is heard. The upcoming election will be held as follows:

  • Dates and Times
    • Tuesday, July 16:  6 to 9 am, 11 am to 2 pm, 6 to 8 pm
    • Wednesday, July 17:  6 to 8 am, 11 am to 2 pm, 6 to 8 pm
    • Thursday, July 18:  6 to 8 am, 11 am to 2 pm
  •  Place
    • Knollwood Conference Rooms C and D

We encourage all eligible employees to cast their vote in person on one of the days noted above.

Facts matter. You matter.

Get all the facts about collective bargaining and unionization at sharpstayinformed.

Facts Matter. You Matter. – Message #12

FICTION: If you did not sign a union card, then you cannot vote in the upcoming election.

FACT: Some employees report they’ve been told by union representatives that they would only be allowed to vote in the July 16-18 election if they signed a union card. This isn’t true! Signing a union card is irrelevant when it comes to voter eligibility and determining who gets to vote on whether or not to form a union at the Sharp Metropolitan Medical Campus. What is relevant is your voice. All eligible employees are allowed to vote, and all are encouraged to cast their vote during the indicated times below. Voting is only permitted to be in person for this election, so please show up – be heard – and vote!

  • Dates and Times
    • Tuesday, July 16:  6 to 9 am, 11 am to 2 pm, 6 to 8 pm
    • Wednesday, July 17:  6 to 8 am, 11 am to 2 pm, 6 to 8 pm
    • Thursday, July 18:  6 to 8 am, 11 am to 2 pm
  •  Place
    • Knollwood Conference Rooms C and D

Facts matter. You matter.

Get all the facts about collective bargaining and unionization at sharpstayinformed.

Facts Matter. You Matter. – Message #11

FICTION: Eligible voters for the upcoming SEIU-UHW election can text their vote from their cell phone rather than vote in person.


Voting is in-person only! Some employees have reported they’ve been told by union representatives that they can vote in the upcoming July 16-18 election simply by casting their vote via a text. That is not true. In order to vote on whether or not to form a union at the Sharp Metropolitan Medical Campus, you must vote in person. That is the only way to make sure your voice is heard. The upcoming election will be held as follows:

  • Dates and Times
    • Tuesday, July 16:  6 to 9 am, 11 am to 2 pm, 6 to 8 pm
    • Wednesday, July 17: 6 to 8 am, 11 am to 2 pm, 6 to 8 pm
    • Thursday, July 18:  6 to 8 am, 11 am to 2 pm
  •  Place
    • Knollwood Conference Rooms C and D

We encourage all eligible employees to cast their vote in person on one of the days noted above.

Facts matter. You matter.

Get all the facts about collective bargaining and unionization at sharpstayinformed.

Facts Matter. You Matter. – Message #10

FICTION: The union says Sharp is punishing employees in recently formed bargaining units by not giving them pay adjustments while giving increases to non-bargaining unit employees.

FACT: This is not true and Sharp is not punishing our team members. SEIU-UHW is well aware that once a union is certified, “status quo” is triggered between the parties until a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is reached. During status quo, items such as employee wage rates, are subject to negotiation between the parties and generally will not be adjusted until rates are agreed upon in a CBA or an exception applies.

One such exception is when pay is legally mandated for an increase, such as what recently occurred at Sharp with the early implementation of SB 525, which raised the minimum wage for all Sharp employees, regardless of bargaining unit membership. Another exception could arise in emergent adverse patient care situations; however, the parties would still be required to negotiate over the wage rates after the employer implements the needed adjustments.

The parties have been negotiating wages for many months and Sharp has made several proposals to date that the union has rejected. We look forward to continue bargaining in good faith to arrive at a contract for the recently formed units at Sharp Grossmont Hospital, Sharp HospiceCare and Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center. The union has delayed that process by engaging in regressive bargaining and waiting nearly six months after negotiations started to introduce their initial economic proposal.

Facts matter. You matter.

Get all the facts about collective bargaining and unionization at sharpstayinformed.