Facts Matter. You Matter. – Message #2

FICTION: An SEIU-UHW online ad claims that Sharp staff members face “low pay and a severe short-staffing crisis that makes it nearly impossible to provide patients with the level of care they deserve.”

FACT: As noted in Message #1, Sharp is not facing a “severe short-staffing crisis” and, in fact, has a robust and successful recruitment campaign to navigate the nationwide shortage of health care workers. What’s more, Sharp regularly assesses health care wages in our market for staff and management alike to ensure rates are competitive and workers are fairly compensated, no matter what role they play in the safe and successful operation of our organization.

Adjustments have been ongoing across various worker groups to ensure equitable pay, and that effort continues across our workforce of 19,000+ team members. As a reminder, over the past two fiscal years, Sharp has made significant investments in staff wages, including a 5% across-the-board (ATB) increase for all staff in October 2022; and a 3.5% ATB increase for all non-represented staff last fall. These and other wage increases represent an investment of more than $150 million in staff compensation since FY2022.

Lastly, our patients do not “face threats to the proper level of care,” as the union claims. Sharp is required to maintain mandated staff-to-patient ratios, and we regularly receive national recognition for the outstanding care we are known for through The Sharp Experience that each of you provide.

Facts matter. You matter.

Get all the facts about collective bargaining and unionization at sharpstayinformed.

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